Who am I and why Thrive?

Hi, I’m Sophie, Qualified Veterinary Physiotherapist, Equine Bodyworker and Student Equine Osteopath, based in Nidderdale, North Yorkshire.
I’m passionate about animal health and wellbeing and endeavour to support animals and their caregivers when they need it most.
For as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with animals and have gone from a childhood surrounded by them, to an adult life with an entire career devoted to them.

In 2014, I qualified as a Veterinary Nurse and completed a BSc(Hons) Degree top up the following year. I spent a total of 9 years as both a Student Nurse and a Registered Veterinary Nurse in several mixed practices. I progressed to Head Nurse of a large hospital, before heading out to live in New Zealand with my now husband Gary.
Whilst living in New Zealand, I worked as a Veterinary nurse but also took on a role as a groom for a local family with Show Jumpers and Polo ponies. I was responsible for conditioning a string of polo ponies ready for matches.

For multiple reasons, It was here that my passion for physiotherapy really developed. Inspired to act on this, I took time away from the role to travel to Auckland in the North Island and undertook the Equinology Certification course in Equine Bodywork, led by Internationally renowned Debranne Patillo

The gorgeous pooch in this photo was admitted to the practice I worked at in New Zealand with a torn cruciate ligament. Her owners had a busy lifestyle and so struggled to oversee her rehabilitation at home and so we took her on as a temporary resident until she had recovered fully. She became my first successful rehabilitation case, which encouraged me to sign up with The College of Animal Physiotherapy (TCAP) to obtain a Post Graduate Diploma in Animal Physiotherapy when I returned home in 2019.
The drive to continue learning, questioning and finding answers has led me to yet more further study. In 2023 I began training in Equine Osteopathy with the London College of Equine Osteopathy and am steadily progressing through the extremely in depth course.
I advocate for an animal centred approach and have a keen interest in animal psychology and learning theories. I believe wellbeing is not just a physical entity. We must always consider emotional health and wellbeing and strive to improve psychological wellbeing of the animals we share our lives with. Since 2015, I have been actively engaging in positive reinforcement training. I enjoy working alongside like-minded individuals and am happy to help with positive reinforcement training queries.
Keep an eye on the events page as I am an Equischolars course provider and run camps for children periodically. I also plan to run some clinics for adults about how horses learn and introducing clicker training. Watch this space!